You can follow me on Google Scholar.
October 2024: When arguments merge. LI Monograph Series. MIT Press.
September 2021: The (in)distinction between wh-movement and c-selection.
(2024). The order of operations and A/Ā interactions. Nat Lang Linguist Theory. doi:
(2023). Probing for the Closest DP: A Reply to Branan and Erlewine 2022. Linguistic Inquiry. doi:
(2023). Voice and VP-ellipsis revisited. Constellations: Journal of NYI.
(2021). On the interpretation of tense in temporal adverbial clauses. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 6(1): 12. 1–30.
(2021). vP infinitives in Wolof: on A’-movement to Spec vP. ACAL 2019 Proceedings.
with Gowda, Y., L. Rosenstein, and M. Hackl. (2020). Scalar inferences in the acquisition of even. Frontiers in Communication, section Language Sciences: 5, p. 117.
(2020). Facilitator effects in middles and more. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 5(1), 62.
On projection and the shadow of wh. (submitted).
with Kenyon Branan. Paths: the ghost of features past. (re-submitted).
The verb phrase and its ingredients. (re-submitted).
(2020). On the movement/(anti)agreement correlation in Romance and Mayan. Ms.
(2018). In do-support of phrasal auxiliary movement. Ms.
General’s paper on especially. Ms.
Undergraduate thesis on the Shanghainese ne construction. Ms.
Undergraduate physics thesis about a neutrino experiment. Ms.
Winter 2025. (with Gianluca Porta). Ne-cliticization and the DP/PP distinction: A case for Q. Poster at the LSA Annual Meeting.
Fall 2024. (with Peter Grishin and Giovanni Roversi). Obviation in Passamaquoddy-Wolastoqey: Dependent case? Talk at the Understanding Obviation workshop at McGill University.
Fall 2023-Spring 2024. When wh-phrases are their own interveners. Talks at the UMass Amherst Syntax Workshop and Leiden University’s Comparative Syntax discussion group.
Spring 2023. Locality and the distribution of features. Talk at the Stony Brook Brown Bag talk series.
Winter 2023. Structure-building in the verbal domain. Lecture at the NYI Winter School and Talk at the NYU Brown Bag.
Fall 2022. Pied-piping Phi. Talk at the Seminar Speaker Series, Queen Mary University of London.
Summer 2022. (with Kenyon Branan). Adjunct islands aren’t real, you’re just projecting. Talk at GLOW in Asia XIII and Poster at 31st Colloquium on Generative Grammar.
Spring 2022. C-selection and the verb phrase. Talk at the Oberseminar English Linguistics, University of Goettingen.
Winter 2021. The order of operations and A/A-bar interactions. Talk at the LASER Kickoff Workshop.
Fall 2021. The order of operations and A/A-bar interactions. Talk at the Yale Syntax Reading Group.
Winter 2020. The future since Stump. Poster at the LSA Annual Meeting.
Summer 2019. vP-infinitives in Wolof: on A’-movement to Spec vP. Talk at ACAL 2019.
Fall 2018. (with Yadav Gowda, Leo Rosenstein, and Martin Hackl). Polarity sensitivity of even in early child grammar. Poster at GALANA 2018 and Talk at Learnability in a Parametric World 2018.
Summer 2018. In do-support of phrasal auxiliary movement.
Winter 2018. (with Danfeng Wu). The Lubukusu agreeing complementizer. Talk at the LSA 2018 workshop on the syntax of clausal arguments in Bantu.